Monthly Archives: August 2015


“When LAW ENFORCEMENT becomes a political entity like the WV State Police then AMERICA can no longer be AMERICA and this seems to be the situation for the state of West Virginia!”
Bill Grottendiecks daughter is Virginia Lanham who was the chief counsel for the state police when I filed my complaint with Major Ingold.
Bill Grottendiecks was IKE MORRIS’ number one attorney for over 20 years.
Lanham was the one that decided if my complaint over the missing 1/6th was accepted.
Major Ingold and Lanham more or less ignored the evidence on the recommendation by Lanham, but the virtue of the letter he wrote in response, all of the facts are wrong so by that evidence alone, their execution of the action, would on the surface appear malicious and in bad faith. But, that’s how they do things when it pertains to Gilmer County West Virginia, the POSTER CHILD for West Virginia’s legal hell!
So the title opinion, and back taxes has not been accepted as a complaint or even acknowledged, officially, by ANY agency in West Virginia, and Ohio law enforcement, and everyone else thinks that is pretty weird, but now that I know LANHAM the chief counsel for the State Police is Bill Grottendiecks daughter, it all makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately the real criminal in this situation is the lawyer from Glenville representing State Police and some Gilmer County public officials   — And of course the County Commission Clerk Beverly Marks.


CommunityConcerns™: Can Glenville State College’s Teacher Education Program Be Salvaged?

What happened at GSC to degrade its teacher education program?
We hear mostly about the College’s expansive building program as if it alone is the answer to all challenges. However, there is no evidence to verify that the huge loan for building, enabled by the County Commission, helped to improve the College’s academic standing including its discredited teacher education program.
Ax grinders spew venom that GSC’s teacher education program’s problems originated approximately 20 years when another College President served. An evaluation of facts provides convincing evidence that true causes for the troubled program link to the College’s more recent presidents and boards of governors.

Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

The Gilmer Free PressWe had Moody’s report about GSC’s lowered bond rating from its risky borrowing, exceeding $30,000,000, which was approved by the Gilmer County Commission. Next, we learned about GSC’s serious accreditation concerns from the iconic Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The WSJ reported that about 30% of an entering GSC freshman class does not graduate. The newest alarm is from the prestigious National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ). At the beginning of the 21st century and decades before that time the College had one of the finest teacher education programs in America.

Sadly, that prized status ended. The NCTQ applied an evaluation process containing 20 criteria referred to as standards to rank teacher education programs including GSC’s. Mr. Charles McElwee, a distinguished Charleston attorney reported the rankings in the Gazette Mail.

To quote Mr. McAlwee, “six institutions [in WV]) fell in the bottom half of fully evaluated undergraduate or graduate elementary programs…

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Integrity, Commitment and Truth!! “SHOUT SHOUT LET IT ALL OUT!! These are the things I can do without!” .. say the Demi-God Politicians from the Church of Ike who the common folk don’t like!

Remember when the BOND ISSUE for the college dorms was passed by the Gilmer County Commission, when Larry Chapman was El Presidente, the President, and also when there was little or no public input sought?
No Transparency!
Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
I remember it well, all the cool unfaithful scumbag elite self important public officials left the one meeting they had on the issue to go down the street to get legal advice from Butcher and Butcher (Timothy B Butcher, President of GSC Housing Corp and R Terry Butcher, Board of Governors at GSC) as to whether or not to sign it and the Commission signed the application that day? Well, that was all Larry Chapman…
Remember the Gilmer County Commission with Chapman in the lead denying that any election complaint had ever been filed, or that the County Clerk was being sued in Federal Court the entire time the Federal Court Action in US District Court was in progress? The FREE PRESS finally published proof!
…And all that Denial turned out to be some kind a new river in Glenville or a something for it all turned out to be a lie! There was enough water blown up everyone’s ass to start a new river that is for sure!
Well, that was all Larry Chapman!
Remember that the Gilmer County Economic/Industrial Development Association (GCEDA) has been appointed by the Commission as the authority for economic development in Gilmer County and that Larry Chapman served on that organizations’ board as President/Vice President, or one officer or another over the years while in the elected office of Gilmer County Commissioner? Well, that was all Larry Chapman!

Revenge of the Ghost Wolf

Attention citizens of Gilmer County, lots of court news this week, but I am going to let Lawrence Jay Smith the man who defeated Gerald B Hough in a civil suit a while back report all that is in the news. Brian Kennedy from the Gilmer County Commission had his court date on August 11th at 1pm with a special prosecutor from Calhoun County and a magistrate from Braxton County present.  People from out of town and other states have a hard time believing how fucking corrupt Gilmer County West Virginia is, so lets present a great blast from the past by way of a history lesson, just to review who all the players are that are involved in the totalitarian society created by the Church of IKE and that hell hole of a college on the hill Glenville State College  rated just about dead last in academics for colleges…

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